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Accountability Challenge Week 25: Clarify Your Target

Accountability Challenge Week 25: Clarify Your Target 

Take a moment to pull up a mental picture of your highest priority goal. Do you have it clear in your mind?

Has the picture gotten a little fuzzy, or blurry? If it has now is the perfect time to Clarify Your Target.

One of the most effective and impactful exercises that we can engage in on a regular basis is to devote 10-15 minutes per day to take a mental snapshot of our most important goal.

It’s ok if your picture starts out as a vague idea, not completely finished or clear in your mind.

Progressively chip away at the picture of your goal as if it were a masterpiece Michelangelo sculpture hidden beneath a slab of beautiful marble.

Keep chipping until you can clearly see the sketch of your goal formed into a detailed, fully developed, spectacularly clear vision.


Repeating this exercise on a daily, consistent basis will help to create a sense of clarity, power and momentum and don’t be surprised if your desire will begin to magically and majestically take shape just as the statue of David uncovered by the expert hands of the sculptor.

Expect Success,

Coach Mark, Thought for the week : I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”.  Michelangelo

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:








Accountability Challenge Week 23: Commitment to Completion

What do you do when your commitment to your goals just doesn’t seem to be there?

 Accountability Challenge Week 23: Commitment to Completion

If you have a BIG goal, one that stretches the boundaries of your comfort zone-then it is only normal that you are going to have those moments, or days where your commitment to completion is tested.

That old internal enemy that I refer to as Resistance, has a way of creeping up on us and dispensing any number of rationalizations (or “rational lies”) as to why we should “back off just a little” from the important goal (s) that we have set for ourselves.

I know this to be true because it has happened to me on a number of occasions.

The interesting thing about rationalizations is that they are filled with bits of truth-but they are also insidious dream stealers that are driven by one singular purpose-that purpose is to stop us from doing the work that our goal is asking us to do to achieve it.

There is a powerful reason, or number of reasons that inspired us to set our goals in the first place.

Setting big goals is relatively easy, achieving them is another story.

So when you do experience these moments of self-doubt, self-sabotage, or self-defeat, the antidote is to look back at the powerful, positive, passionate reasons that inspired you to set the goal in the first place.

Do these reasons still exist?

If the answer is yes, and I know that it is, then NOW is the time to make a new Commitment to Completion.



Commit to doing the work that your goal is asking you to do. Commit to doing the work today. Don’t worry about tomorrow; just focus your attention on today.

What is the work that my goal is asking me to do TODAY to accomplish it?

For me it’s going down to the basement and getting on my indoor bike trainer and completing my workout when I really don’t feel like doing it.

It’s sitting down to write this email when everyone else in the house is already asleep…

It’s saying “no” to that old sly enemy known as Resistance, just for today.

It’s about taking one more step forward…

It’s about a commitment to completion that I’ve made to myself.

What is the work that your goal is asking you to do?

Commit to doing the work, just for today!

 Expect Success,

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week : “What is the work that your goal is asking you to do to complete it?” – Mark Allen 6X Hawaii Ironman Triathlon World Champion

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:




Accountability Challenge Week 22: The Power of Belief


“The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.”

These powerful words from David Schwartz’s classic book The Magic of Thinking Big came back to me recently as I was reflecting on my own journey to achieve the goals that are most meaningful to me personally…

Quite often the determining factor in the success or failure of the achievement of the goals that we set in our lives boils down to our belief in whether we can pull them off.

One of my favourite quotes attributed to the American Industrialist Henry Ford is

Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t you’re right.

It’s time for one of those moments of complete self-honesty.

Do you believe you can achieve the goals that you have set for yourself?

If your answer is “Yes”, then you have probably already made terrific progress on the path towards your goals. If however your answer is “no”, or “I’m not sure” then chances are you may be experiencing some significant challenges to reaching your goals.

The good news is that we have complete control over our thoughts and beliefs and that we have the power within us right now to take corrective action and to strengthen our belief systems and achieve the goals that we set for ourselves.

I have adapted this week’s challenge from the fore-mentioned book The Magic of Thinking Big. The book came into print back in 1959, but the principles are as true today as they were then.

Power of belief


 1. Think success, not failure.

Spend five minutes per day this week mentally focusing on what you want in your life, as opposed to what you don’t want. This may appear to be self-evident, however the truth is most people focus on what they don’t want; poverty, mediocrity, being overweight or out of shape, and guess what it is they end up attracting?

2. Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are.  Take a few minutes to write out or review your list of victories. You can go back to week 3 of our challenge to review and revisit your list of the ten year victories if you like.

3. Believe Big: The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.

 Think little goals and expect little achievement. Think big goals and win big success. Perhaps you are not dreaming big enough. If your current goals don’t scare you a little (or a lot) than there is a very good chance that you are not dreaming big enough. Spend a few minutes this week to DREAM BIG.

I will leave you with Brian Tracey’s wonderfully thought provoking and inspiring question.

What would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?

Dream it, and then go do it!

Expect Success,

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week :The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief”  Davd Schwartz.

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:






Accountability Challenge Week 21: Seize the Moment:

Accountability Challenge Week 21: Seize the Moment: 

Authors and speakers, and Hollywood movie makers all know that the art of crafting compelling conflict and a sense of tension that builds up to the finale of their story is an excellent way to hold an audience’s attention and is a sure fire way to build a ratings winner.

If you happen to be at all interested in the sport of golf, or just sport in general, then from time to time there is a specific event or individual that catches our attention by seemingly coming out of nowhere and seizing the moment.

This particular event occurred four years ago but it is still very fresh in my memory. Unheralded 26 year old Charl Schartzel of South Africa laid claim to golf’s most coveted prize, the Master’s Golf Tournament.

Charl Schartzel  “seized the moment” and separated himself from Tiger Woods and several other of the world’s greatest golfers in one of the most closely contested conclusions in major golf tournament history.

As I was watching the intrigue of the moment unfold it occurred to me I was witnessing the perfect symmetry between the potential that rested within the golfers in contention and the performance required to be crowned champion. It was going to come down to whoever was able to erase the potential-performance gap and “seize the moment”.

It this case it turned out to be Mr.Schartzel, who declared afterward that “I just knew it was now or never”. Now is the only time that we have to realize the potential that lies within. Unlike Charl, we may never be crowned champion of a prestigious golf tournament, however there are numerous opportunities for each of us to seize the moment in our own lives.

Now is truly the only time that exists. It is the only time that we can effect change in any aspect of our lives. Now is the only time that we can move forward in the direction of our goals and dreams. It can be as simple as making a decision right NOW to put down the remote control, get off our ‘but’ and go for a walk around the block.

carpe diem

Accountability Challenge Week 21: Seize the Moment:

Take out a piece of paper and a pen and spend 5 minutes to complete the important exercise of “Seizing Your Moment”.

Q. What will you commit to today, that will help you to move one step closer to your goal or dream?

Seize the moment to:

Choose an apple over an apple turnover.

  • Choose exercise over Xbox.
  • Choose to re-connect to an old friend.
  • Choose to call an important client of contact.
  • Choose to say Yes to your goals and dream.
  • Choose to smile instead of frown.

Expect Success,

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week: “”Carpe Dieme

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:





Week 20 Accountability Challenge: Reflect, Reward, Renew:

Reflect, Reward, Renew.

Congratulations! we are entering week 20 of our Accountability Challenge. From where I sit this feels like a significant milestone. We are also in the midst of the wonderful spring season. Winter is now fading into distant memory, and we get to enjoy the warmth and growth that comes to us this time of year.

To me this is an excellent time to do three things:

Week 20 Accountability Challenge: Reflect, Reward, Renew:

Reflect on where we are and how far we have travelled on our current journey.

Reward ourselves for our commitment and for the progress we have made. If you are still with us-you deserve a huge pat on the back.

Renew our commitment to the completion of our goal. Each of has a tremendous opportunity to move forward from where we are TODAY. To make a quantum leap toward our goal over the next 90 days.

Keep going

Expect Success,

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week:“Reflect, reward, renew”.

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:


