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Accountability Challenge Week 25: Clarify Your Target 

Take a moment to pull up a mental picture of your highest priority goal. Do you have it clear in your mind?

Has the picture gotten a little fuzzy, or blurry? If it has now is the perfect time to Clarify Your Target.

One of the most effective and impactful exercises that we can engage in on a regular basis is to devote 10-15 minutes per day to take a mental snapshot of our most important goal.

It’s ok if your picture starts out as a vague idea, not completely finished or clear in your mind.

Progressively chip away at the picture of your goal as if it were a masterpiece Michelangelo sculpture hidden beneath a slab of beautiful marble.

Keep chipping until you can clearly see the sketch of your goal formed into a detailed, fully developed, spectacularly clear vision.


Repeating this exercise on a daily, consistent basis will help to create a sense of clarity, power and momentum and don’t be surprised if your desire will begin to magically and majestically take shape just as the statue of David uncovered by the expert hands of the sculptor.

Expect Success,

Coach Mark, Thought for the week : I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”.  Michelangelo

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

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