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Accountability Challenge Week 37: Fear vs. Faith.

Accountability Challenge Week 37:  Fear vs. Faith.

 “The underlying cause of all trouble is fear”           Emmet Fox.

Take a moment to digest these words. To me they pretty much sum up everything that ails society as a whole, but also everything that stands in the way of you and me achieving the goals and dreams that are most important to us. Fear in its many forms and incantations prevent us from living the life that we were meant to live.

Those are some pretty powerful words.

Let’s take a look at what’s dominating the business headlines around the Globe right now that are impacting us on a collective level.

Fear of recession in the US and in the global markets.

  • Fear of the high debt levels in Europe
  • Fear that the US will not be effective manage and control its huge government deficit.
  • Fear of  unemployment
  • Fear of Inflation.
  • Fear of losing money in the stock market
  • Fear, fear, and more fear

These are all serious and important issues that need to be dealt with in a responsible, competent and expedient manner.

Are these fears new by any means? Certainly not-each of these fears has been around for decades if not centuries, and tend to rear their heads on an alternating but consistent basis.

Despite all of these long standing fears, if we are to take look through the lens of historical perspective we see that the financial and economic conditions of the countries and the inhabitants of our planet have been steadily improving. Life expectancies today are light years ahead of where they were a scant 100 years ago. Living standards are continually improving around the Globe. Information and medical technology is also improving at aphenomenal rate.

Allow me to share with you a practical example and a great story to illustrate my point. Go out and buy the DVD, (or better yet, watch it in on Netflix if it is available) for the Movie Apollo 13. Watch the part where they are trying to figure out how to safely return to earth the three Astronauts played by Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon and the guy from Twister, You’ll notice that all of the highly intelligent NASA space staff, which includes the smartest scientists and engineers down on planet earth, were relegated to using slide rules to solve the problem.

Why you ask were they using slide rules? They were using them because the mainframe computer at NASA had literally crashed. They had overloaded the computer with so much information and so many calculations that it would no longer function.

Now, go and take a moment and look at your blackberry, your iPhone or smart phone of choice. Do you realize that what you are holding in your hand has a computer in it that is a million times smaller, a million times cheaper, and a thousand times more powerful than all of the computing power that was at the disposal of NASA back in 1970.

How is it again that despite all of advances that we have made, we are still living in a world dominated by fear?

It’s because fear is imbedded in our DNA. As Emmet Fox so profoundly stated, “Fear is the underlying cause of all trouble”.

The bad news is that fear is here to stay. It will never go away.

The good news is that each of us has a weapon at our disposal to fight and defeat this fear, regardless of what seems to be going on in the world around us, or more appropriately in the world “within us”.

The greatest weapon that we have is FAITH.

Faith vs Fear

Yes, this can mean our spiritual faith, and I encourage you to deeply explore and tap into your own particular branch of spiritual based faith.

From a practical, non secular point of view it also means faith in ourselves and faith in the future. Faith that life in general is getting better, and that as long as we tap into our faith through positive thought and action to overcome our own individual fears our lives are also certain to improve.

I believe that failure in business or life can only come from a loss of faith.  We fail when we give in to our fears either on a conscious level or more insidiously, on a subconscious level.

Yes, it does take courage to face your fears head on, but the rewards are worth the risk

Fear by definition comes from a perception of imminent danger or risk – whether or not the risk or danger is real.

Bertrand Russell another great author and highly influential “new thinker” from the last century wrote these powerful words that I encourage you to dwell or meditate upon.

Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Finally, the next time that fear takes a hold and tries to take you off course remember…each of us has a choice-we can choose to fall victim to our fear, or we can choose to move forward with faith.

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to choose faith!

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:  

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.  Henry Ford Expect Success,


Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™


Accountability Challenge Week 36: “Choose Love Not Discipline”.

Accountability Challenge Week 36: “Choose Love Not Discipline”.

I was reading a Globe and Mail newspaper and came across an article on former NHL hockey player, Gary Roberts that intrigued me greatly. Mr. Roberts, who hails from the Toronto area, played 21 years in the NHL, including several with the home town Toronto Maple Leafs. If you follow hockey at all, then you may be aware that Roberts has become known as the health and fitness guru among his fellow professional athletes.

After a serious neck injury Roberts was forced to retire before he was thirty years old. At this time he made a commitment to return to hockey, but to do so he realized that he needed to make a dramatic change in his personal health & fitness routines. One of the people that he turned to for advice was renowned strength & fitness specialist Charles Poliquin.

Upon implementation of the advice he received from Charles Poliquin and other trusted advisors as well as his own arduous study Roberts went on to play professional hockey at an extremely high and “super fit” level until he was 43 years old.

Strength training

My own curiosity in this ultra-important area of our lives, led me to find out a little bit more about Gary’s mentor, and my search led me to his highly informative and content rich website www.charlespoliquin.com.

I realize you may not be a professional athlete, (I sometimes still dream of being one ) however if you are serious about taking your health and fitness to a higher level, then you will be well served by much of the information and articles on his website.

We have heard all through our lives that if we want to be successful then we must have lots of DISCIPLINE… And it’s true to be successful we must be properly disciplined in our thoughts and actions.  However, for many people the word discipline also carries with it a negative connotation. Thoughts of punishment, pain, sacrifice, and self-denial spring to mind to name a few.

It’s no wonder so many people have trouble achieving lasting success in their lives. It takes just too darn much disciple, or does it?   

I found the following article on the fore-mentioned website of Mr.Poliquin and found his perspective to be quite refreshing and also transformative.  Remember, he is strength and conditioning expert, so some of the terminology may not apply to your specific health and fitness goals, but the general concept and message still holds true.


Coach Mark

The Myth of Discipline by Charles Poliquin

There is no such thing as discipline. There is only love. Love is the most powerful creative force in the universe. You are the result of what you love most. You either love finely etched muscular abs more than donuts or you love donuts more than wash board abs you could do your laundry on. It is as simple as that. Don’t beat yourself up that you have no discipline or further drown yourself in a sea of refined carbs. Admit that you like crappy food more than you love strength. Or ask yourself this, what do you really love? Self-esteem is the reflection of self-judgment. One of the best ways to raise self-esteem is to make truly loving choices that lead to increased strength of body and mind. For example, if you truly love yourself in the gym, you choose the full squat with chains over the leg extension machine. At the restaurant, if you truly love yourself, you pass on the heavenly smelling basket of bread and creamy butter, and ask for some more limes for the water. Limes alkalize your body which in turn helps your bones, muscles and your ability to deal with stress. When you are faced with difficult choices, ask yourself, in context of course, what would a loving expert recommend? For example, when working chest, would a loving strength coach recommend the pec deck, or full range dumbbell presses. When choosing desserts, would the loving nutritionist recommend a bowl of berries or the triple decker brownie submerged under melting vanilla ice cream?   How to free yourself from the outdated concept of discipline:

  1. Accept that all your choices are reflections of what you truly love.
  2. Love is the greatest creative force of the Universe. Use it wisely.
  3. Choose to love yourself more than external things.
  4. Treating yourself well accelerates the growth of your self-esteem.
  5. When people comment on your results and say things like “Wow you have a lot disciple” answer “No, I just make loving choices for myself”. Reinforcing your own positive behavior will help you grow in strength.
  6. What you appreciate appreciates. Whenever you make a truly loving choice, say to yourself ‘Thank you for taking care of me in a loving way”. The more you talk to yourself like a loving parent, the faster you will grow. Let’s say, for example, you just did a single on the squat with a load you didn’t feel like doing. Say: “Wow! I am impressed with your strength of mind, that’s why you are a champion”. By documenting and rewarding your successes, they will grow in magnitude and frequency. Whenever I meet a goal, I reward myself with positive things like a vacation or a new piece of equipment. When I get something better, I make the choice of giving away the old piece to someone who will appreciate it. Living a clutter free life allows for more growth.
  7. The more you believe in yourself, the more objectively you will be able to take the advice of authority figures.
  8. “Use your faults” was French singer Edith Piaf’s motto. I don’t like to stretch athletes. It is too time consuming and requires too much energy. Using that fault, I developed the Poliquin Instant Muscle Strengthening Technique (P.I.M.S.T.),  which is a system that uses a myriad of body work techniques such as acupressure points that instantly give increases in flexibility. No wonder it’s always the fastest selling course we offer in the PICP!

There is an old Hindu saying: “The World is as we are”.  Are you tired of seeing the condition of the world around you? Start by changing yourself- be the change you want to see in the world.

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:  

“Choose love, not discipline”

Expect Success,


Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:




Power of Persistence Week 35: “You’re stronger than you think”.

Power of Persistence Week 35: “You’re stronger than you think”.

I came across a story recently about Canadian long distance swimming legend Vicki Keith that I felt had an extremely important lesson for each of us.

If you think an Ironman triathlon (swim 3.86 km, bike 180 km, and run 42.2 km) is a big deal, wait till you read about Vicki Keith’s Tri Till You Cry Marathon Triathlon challenge.

The event took place in Kingston, Ontario on June 24th and was created to help raise awareness and funds for three organizations that support children.

Each charity was represented by two participants, so there were 6 participants in total.

Each person undertook the challenge of completing 2 hours of swimming, followed by 2 hours of indoor biking, followed by two hours of running on a treadmill. The event was repeated non-stop—meaning it would continue until the competitors said ‘Uncle”, and there was only one person standing.

It is also important to note that this was not a relay format. You were on you own for 24/7.

Not surprisingly after 48 hours, Vicki Keith was the last person in the competition. Unbelievably, she continued alone until she had met her own personal goal of 72 hours nonstop.

Vicki Keith

When asked about this feat of phenomenal endurance afterword, Vicki provides the following comments that her accomplishment:

If there was one thing I wish I could do, is to teach each young person this lesson.   “Push harder, deep deeper, accept discomfort and frustration. Fight beyond what you believe possible, because on the other side of that line is a wonderful world of possibilities. This is why I continued on.”

As a note of interest, Vicki attributed part of her success at this event to being able to sleep while riding the stationary bike.

Thought for the week:  

 “You are stronger than you think you are”

Expect Success,


Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:




Accountability Challenge Week 34: Don’t Stop Believing

Accountability Challenge Week 34: “Don’t Stop Believing” 

If you happen to be a child of the 70’s and 80’s like me, or even if you just like the music of the 80’s, then you will be familiar with one of the more popular bands of the time; Journey. There biggest hit song came out in 1981. It was the song Don’t Stop Believing.

“Don’t Stop Believing…Hold on to that feeling.”       

When it comes to setting and achieving goals, heck when it comes down to plain living, there are only ever two things we can control in life.

What we believe and how we behave.

“As a man thinketh in his Heart, so is he.”

This is a verse from Proverbs of the Old Testament which later became the thesis for a ground breaking self-development book by James Allen. I highly recommend you do a Google search for the book As a Man Thinketh, or any of James Allen’s work. They are sure to make an excellent addition to your library, plus you should be able to get them for free.

To me this quote means that each of us (male or female) acts as we do because we believe as we do, even if we may not be aware of it on a conscious level.

The limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our goals and living the lives we were meant to live exist only in our own anxiety and sensitivity.

Belief drives behaviour.

When I look back at the completion of any significant goal or journey in my life, I can directly trace its success to whether or not I believed it was possible. The funny thing about belief is that just a tiny bit is enough to get us moving forward. It follows that if we desire to have different or better results in our life, than we need to change just two things: our beliefs and our behaviours. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it?

What do you belief to be true, that may in fact just be a big fat lie?

What do you believe about your own success? Be it financial, physical, emotion, spiritual? Or in your relationships or in your career?

If you don’t already have what you want in any of these areas in your life, it’s time to change your beliefs and your behaviour.


“Act as if”.

In my experience the quickest way to achieve positive results in our lives is to “act as if” we already possess the beliefs or behaviours that we desire.

Take a moment to picture the ideal you. What does that look like? How do you feel or what do you believe? How would you behave?

Would you be more confident, more decisive, more adventuresome, more assertive, more fit, have more fun?

You know you would?

Begin right now, this very day to believe and behave as you would if you already had achieved your goals.

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:

“Don’t Stop Believing…Hold on to that feeling.”       Steve Perry

Expect Success,


Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:




Accountability Challenge Week 33: Success; Step by Step

Accountability Challenge Week 33: Success: Step by Step 

“It matters not how slowly you go. It matters only that you do not stop”.   Confucius

When I initially created the 52 Week Core Conditioning Program, it was four years ago. One of my big goals back in 2011 was to complete my third Ironman triathlon in July 2011 in Klagenfurt, Austria.

I spent 6 months in serious training mode for the big event which was to take place on July 3rd.  As this was my third Ironman competition I was confident that I would successfully complete the 3.86 km swim, the 180 km bike ride and the 42.2 km run. In the allotted 17 hours.

My personal challenge to myself was my desire to produce a personal best time at the Ironman distance -which would mean completing the race in less than 11 hrs 5 minutes.

I am very proud to say that I successfully completed the race with a finishing time of 11 hrs 21 minutes. To be honest, I was initially a little disappointed that I was not able to achieve a new PB.

I was however extremely pleased and felt a huge sense of personal satisfaction and pride in knowing that I put forth my best effort and determination in a difficult test of personal endurance.

Last week I mentioned that we do not always achieve or control our desired outcomes in life, but we do have full control the level of effort, preparation and commitment we put forth towards our goals and dreams.

As I began to make my way slowly but steadily out on the marathon portion of the triathlon I knew that my success in reaching the finish line would come as a result of focusing my attention not on the entire 42.2 km which lay before me, but on the next step that was to come.

“Step by step” and “nice and easy” were the words that I repeated to myself over and over again, until they played like a mantra in my head.

Step by Step

There were times were I wasn’t running as quickly as I would have liked, and there were other times where running was replaced by walking. However to paraphrase the quote from Confucius, I knew that as long as I did not stop, as long as I kept moving forward, I would cross the finish line. I would succeed; step by step.

I couldn’t think of a more appropriate metaphor that ties in the successful completion of my own race, to any goal that you may have set for yourself either now or in the future.

If you keep moving forward you too will achieve your goals!

What can you do TODAY and this week to keep moving forward?

Thought for the week:

“It matters not how slowly you go. It matters only that you do not stop”.   Confucius

Expect Success,


Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:


