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52 Week Accountability Challenge: Week 5 Take a Quantum Leap

We are now entering week 5 of our Core Conditioning Program Accountability Challenge.

Once again, I encourage you to take 10 minutes to review your Progress over the past week

What is the goal(s) that I am committed to achieving over the next 52 weeks?

  • What did I say I was going to do this past week? 
  • What did I actually do?
  • How do I feel about it? Briefly describe your victories or challenges from the past week.

Week 5 Challenge:  Take a Quantum Leap: 

You have everything you need inside you right now to make a Quantum Leap in 2015. The question is WILL YOU? 

“Right now, in this moment, you are capable of exponential improvement in your performance. You can multiply your personal effectiveness, hit new highs, and shatter your old achievement records. The results you can have will be hard to imagine”. 

You can become You2”.

These wonderfully encouraging and very powerful words, come right out of one of my favourite books; You2 by Price Pritchett. I believe that we sell ourselves way too short in setting and reaching our goals. We end up settling for results that are well below our true potential.

1. Ignore Conventional Approaches:  What one thing will you do differently this week to help you reach your goal?  

To make a quantum leap, you’ve got to break out of the rut you’ve been running. This week I want you to try something completely different in pursuit of your goal. It is easy, far too easy to become addicted to our existing habits and methodologies. Perhaps you work out late at lunchtime. This week can you work out first thing in the morning? If you always eat cereal and toast for breakfast, instead treat yourself to a delicious and nutritious protein shake. The key is to break out of your normal routine.  Moving to a higher level calls for a fresh perspective, which can actually mean a path of less Resistance.

2. Suspend Disbelief: This week “Act as if” your success is for certain. 

Often the major obstacle to achieving the quantum leaps that we are looking for is our own lack of belief that we can make it happen. This week I want to focus on suspending any lingering doubts or disbeliefs that may be floating around in that head of yours. I know they are there, I can feel them myself.   Think of an actor when they take on a role. To be really successful, and believable they have to take on all of the characteristics of that role, don’t they? The mannerisms, the thoughts, the physical presence, the subtle nuances. In other words for that role, they become that person. What one thing would you be doing differently if you knew your success was for certain? Pretend you are an actor; take on one characteristic of the person that you desire to become. Go do it now.

Keep Your Core Strong!

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™ 

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

 Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:




Thought for the month: ”The important thing in life is not to triumph, but to compete”.     Pierre de Coubertin

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The Three Personal Development Goals Successful People Pursue Habitually

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

One of the areas that I enjoy most writing and speaking about is in the area of goal setting.

It;s actually one of the focal points of my Core Conditioning Program. If you aren’t familiar with it, be sure to check it out at www.coreconditioningprogram.ca.

Experience has taught me that following a successful formula for achieving your most important goals is a challenging area for many people, and one that they need help with.

That’s why I’m always on the look out for helpful resources that can help my clients, contacts & friends to achieve their personal & financial goals by getting to the core of what is most important to them, and ultimately get the most out of their money & their lives.

When it comes to being successful in any part of our lives, it;s our thoughts & actions repeated on a consistent basis until they become habits that determine our success.

Be sure to give this article a read, and help a friend by passing it along to them.


Coach Mark

P.S. For what it’s worth, my prediction for today’s game is Seattle 21 New England 17


The three personal development goals successful people pursue habitually

​If you Google “daily habits of successful people” you’ll find almost every business-focused media outlet represented in the results. But if you’re looking for a guaranteed roadmap to success, don’t get excited just yet. If you read all of those articles, or even a few of them, you’ll soon realize that successful people have a wide range of daily habits. So how are any of us supposed to figure out which daily habits are critical to success, and which are personal preference and idiosyncrasy? If you take a look at all the different lists of habits, routines, principles and priorities among successful entrepreneurs you’ll find these three universal success factors.
Read more here

52 Week Accountability Challenge: Week 4 The Power of Habits

Congratulations, It’s hard to believe that we’re already into week 4 of our 52 week Accountability Challenge. How did you make out in week 3?

Once again, I encourage you to take 10 minutes to review your Progress from the past week.

What is the goal(s) that I am committed to achieving over the next 52 weeks?

It is ok to have several goals on the go, but I recommend that you focus on no more than two major goals: one health & fitness related, and one personal growth goal (increasing your income, business promotion, improving a relationship, etc).

  • What did I say I was going to do this past week?
  • What did I actually do?
  •  How do I feel about it? Briefly describe your victories or challenges from the past week. If you made progress, now is the time to give yourself a big pat on the back If you didn’t make any progress, don’t beat yourself up about it, but be honest in describing the Resistance that got in the way. Recommit to your goal, and move forward. FIDO (Forget it, drive on). 

Week 4 Challenge: The Power of Habits: 

Are your habits helping you or hurting you?

In order to make significant and lasting improvements in our life, including achieving the goals that we are working on, we really only need to change two things

How we think and how we act. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it. Unfortunately simple is not always easy. Our habits are the ways of thinking and acting that we repeat on a consistent basis, until they become “well”, habits. Our habits can help us if they lead us forward in a productive fashion, and are performance enhancing, but they also often hurt, or hold us back when they are non-productive.

  • 1. Take ten minutes to list out all of your own current HABITS, as they relate to your major goal(s) be they helpful in nature or hurtful. Don’t judge them just try to objectively list them:
  • Eating potato chips late at night is a habit that might be considered detrimental to achieving peak physical condition. It is also by the way, one of my own bad habits, which I am committed to changing.
  • Exercising 5-6 days per week for a minimum of 20 minutes on the other hand is a positive habit, which is helpful to achieving peak physical condition.
  •  2. Commit to taking action on one positive and one negative habit this week.
  •  Do less of one thing that is holding you back from reaching your goal. That could mean forgoing your morning muffin in favour of a delicious apple.  
  •  Do more of one thing that will move you closer to your goal. It could be listening to the affirmation or rapid manifestation audios that you received in week one on a daily basis.
  •  3. Just Do It;  Commit to doing the exercises. No excuses, no alibis!

               Keep your Core Strong!

Coach Mark

                  Mark Hudon, CFP™,  CCS™ 

                 Financial Fitness Coach,  

Thought for the month: ”The important thing in life is not to triumph, but to compete”.     Pierre de Coubertin

Rapid Manifestation Audio:1. Affirmation Audio: http://markhudon.gpwealth.ca/images/repository/5511/G2007AffirmationsTrackOnly.mp3


7 Misconceptions about RRSP’s

Last weekend I sent out on article on RRSP’s that seemed to strike a cord with many people.

I received a number of comments about the article-which made reference to the generally believed notion that RRSP’s are a terrific investment & planning tool, but are not ideally suited to every person, or every situation.

I thought I would follow up on last week’s theme by sending along a thought provoking article on the 7 Misconceptions about RRSP’s.

I trust you will enjoy it.

Be sure to pass along your comments & feel free to forward it to a friend.



7 misconceptions about RRSPs

As RRSP season gets into full swing, every financial institution you’ve ever walked past is suddenly your best friend. Don’t delay, make a contribution today! There’s no question that Registered Retirement Savings Plans are a good idea. As we live longer and as fewer among us can count on company pensions, personal saving has to fill the gaps. Author, investment expert and Star columnist Gordon Pape calls RRSPs the “ultimate wealth builder,” but even though they’ve been around for almost 60 years, there are plenty of misconceptions about RRSPs.
Read more here

52 Week Accountability Challenge: Week 3 List Your Victories

Congratulations, we’re now into week 3 of our 52 week Core Conditioning Program Accountability Challenge. How did you make out in week 2?

I encourage you to take 10 minutes to review your Progress over the past week.

  • What is the goal(s) that I am committed to achieving over the next 52 weeks?
  • What did I say I was going to do this past week?
  • What did I actually do?
  • How do I feel about it?

Briefly describe your victories or challenges from the  past week. If you made progress, now is the time to give yourself a big pat on the back. If you didn’t make any progress, don’t beat yourself up about it, but be honest in describing the Resistance that got in the way. Recommit to your goal, and move forward. FIDO (Forget it, drive on).

Week 3 Challenge: 

  • List Your 10 Year Victories:  

Special thanks to my friend Stephen Wenzel for being the inspiration for the 1st challenge. Often when we set goals we focus on the things that we want to happen in our lives (in the future) and we forget to take stock of, or appreciate the things that we have already accomplished-our Victories.

  • Take ten minutes to list out all of wonderful accomplishments, milestones, or events that you have experienced over the last 10 years:
  • The birth of a child, or two, getting married, completing a 5km run, losing 20 pounds, buying your first home, donating to your favourite worthy cause (even if it is yourself) etc. etc.  
  • Experiencing and sharing the things that we are grateful for or appreciative of, is one of the most powerful, and positive and energizing experiences that we can choose to do in our lives. Quite frankly we don’t do enough of it. I know I don’t. Do You

What is the WORK that your Goals are asking you to do to achieve them.  Think objectively of what it will take for you to achieve the goal(s) that you list as being most important to you this year. What is your PLAN?Write out everything you can think of-short, bullet points are fine. Compare this question to the one that most people ask themselves, which is; What is the work that I want to do to achieve my goal? Did you notice the difference?

  • 24 Hour Action Step; Why wait 48 hours? What one action will you commit to taking within the next 24 hours that will move you one step closer to your goal? Take that Step.   

Keep your Core Strong!

Mark Hudon, CFP™,  CCS™ 

Financial Fitness Coach,