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Accountability Challenge Week 14: Why Goals Fail?

Accountability Week 14:  13 Reasons Why Goals Fail?

I thought we would spend our time this week addressing the major reasons why the majority of people fail to achieve the important goals and dreams in their lives.

The source for this week’s lesson comes directly from one of the many encouraging and instructive audio programs that I frequently listen to while driving, exercising or just sitting in silence.

If you haven’t already created your own “University on Wheels”, or in my case on my MP3 player-I highly recommend it.

One of my favourite teachers is Bob Proctor who you may know from the movie The Secret.  Bob has been an icon in the field of personal development for over 50 years now. He has many wonderful programs-which I encourage you to check out.

In this particular lesson Bob identifies the 13 reasons why goals fail. Go through the list and identify for yourself which of the 13 reasons may be standing in the way of your own goal achievement.

Thanks Bob.

13 Reasons Why Goals Fail:

1. Failure to set goals.

 2. Your personal values don’t support your goals.

 3. The goal is not your own-it is been set by someone else for you.

 4. Not being absolutely passionate about your goal.

5.  Your Goal is not important enough to you to take the risk to achieve it-you play it safe.

6. Not prioritizing your goals.

7. Focusing on too many goals at one time.

8. Lack of clarity and focus-no crystal clear picture in your mind.

 9. Attached to Limiting beliefs.

10. Poor attitude.

11. Failure to Implement-having great ideas but not doing anything on your goal.

12. Giving up too soon.

13. Failing to measure your progress and make necessary adjustments.

mistakes in setting goals

Now let’s reverse the wording so instead of having 13 reasons why goals fail and we now have 13 rules to follow that lead to an abundant life.

13 Rules to an abundant Life:       

1    Keep setting goals.      

2.    Make sure your personal values support your goal.

3.   Make sure the goal is your own not someone else’s.

4.  Go after goals that you are truly passionate about.

 5Goals that require risk on your part create magical endings.

 6Prioritize your goals until you fix on your A Number One goal.  

7.   Focus on achieving just one goal at one time. 

8.  Paint a crystal clear, brilliant picture of the goal’s result in your mind.

 9Consciously choose the thoughts that support your goal.

10. Control your attitude. Choose to make it a good one every single day.

11  Plot your initial plan and Implement.

 12 Keep going no matter what. Never give up on your goal.

 13. Take measurements of your progress and adjust accordingly.

I would like to leave you with some simple final words…”trust yourself and believe in yourself”.

Keep your core strong

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week: “You can do it and you know you can”.

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™ 

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:





How to keep from spending a fortune on kid’s sports

First off, I want to wish a very Happy Easter weekend to you and your family.

The arrival of Easter, also coincides with the arrival of spring and warmer temperatures on the horizon. I know that we could all use some sunshine and warmth after a cold winter.

One of the biggest challenges that many families face (mine included) is how to balance the inherent benefits of putting our kids in sports or other activities against the high cost that these activities entail.

In our house, we have two boys who are actively involved in a number of sports including hockey, rep baseball, swimming, basketball & soccer.

 Each of these sports requires a serious commitment of both time & money.

 My wife and I both see the benefits of raising healthy & active children, but at times we struggle with where to draw the line.

Here is a great article that sheds some very much needed insight on how to keep from spending a fortune kids’ sports.

Be sure to pass it along to someone you know who shares this same dilemma.

Happy Easter.


Coach Mark

How to keep from spending a fortune on kids’ sports

​After much thought and consideration, my husband and I decided that it is finally time to get our kids started in a few sports and activities this year. Although I enrolled my children in their first sport willingly, I didn’t take this decision lightly. As we all know, getting children involved in sports and activities can be expensive in both time and money, and it can be a slippery slope that can escalate over time and last for years. Since my kids are still young, I want to take a thoughtful approach now — before things get out of hand. I want my kids to learn and grow. I want them to get involved and stay active. What I don’t want is to go broke doing it. Here are some tips on how to keep from spending a fortune:
Read more here

The Best Way to Invest for Retirement

There are copious numbers of articles and information written on how to invest your money-and specifically how to invest for retirement.

I come across them everyday and I know that my clients and contacts do as well.
While some are useful, many provide contradictory advice that just leads to confusion for many investors.

I do my best to seek out and find articles that will provide you with a core approach that when implemented will help you to achieve your long term goals, and dreams, and help you to build funds for retirement that will stand the test of time.

Here is an excellent article, that is in line with my own core philosophy.

Expect Success,

Coach Mark

The Best Way To Invest For Retirement

Turn on CNBC for two minutes and it’s easy to believe you need to stop everything and invest in the hot stocks the “experts” are recommending and get out — NOW! — of the ones they’re bearish about. Chris Minnucci, author of the ironically titled The Death of Buy and Hold: How Not to Outlive Your Money — Investing for, and in, Retirement, says do so at your own peril. Minnucci, an early retiree and self-taught investor, says you’ll be far likelier to make your retirement money last if you take a more cautious, deliberate approach to investing, using diversification using what he calls “the principle of correlation combined with the complementary principle of compromise.”
Read more here

Accountability Challenge Week 13: The Power of Now

The Power of NOW                                    

Welcome to lucky week 13 of our Accountability Challenge. I know it’s going to be a fabulous week with tremendous breakthroughs for a lot of people. I can feel it.

We’re getting terrific feedback from people who have committed to participating “full on” in our 52 Week Power of Persistence Accountability Challenge.

Congratulations to you and keep up the great work!

If however you are not as fully engaged in the challenge as you would like to be, I have some simple words of advice for you. START NOW.


The Power of NOW!

Do you ever find yourself mentally dwelling in the past, or in anticipation (or dread) of the future?

Do you replay past failures, or challenges, over and over again in your mind?

Do you indulge in memories of “the good old days”. Harking back to simple times, when life was somehow better or less complicated?

If you do engage in these activities, you are not alone, however it’s important for you to recognize that the only time that is relevant to us in the pursuit of our goals and dreams is NOW.

When is the best time to create a plan, and take action toward our goals? The answer is of course right NOW.

Let’s say that you are in the habit of putting off exercise or healthy eating till the beginning of the week, the month, or the New Year. When you do get around to taking the appropriate actions, when are doing them? The answer is always NOW. Now is the only time that exists in our world.

Our EGO likes to dwell on the past, or in anticipation of the future. The ego does that for its own self-preservation. Remember that the ego’s (Resistance) main job is to stop us from doing our work, and it does this by tricking us into dwelling on the past or the future .

 Accountability Challenge Week 13: The Power of Now:

List 3 things that will do today (not tomorrow or any other day) that will move you closer to achieving your definite purpose:




Expect Success,

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week: P.S. “The only time that truly exists is NOW”

Coach Mark,

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:


