I trust that you have been enjoying our recent run of glorious spring weather.

It’s always a very good practice to check in on the people who are providing you with professional advice to make sure that you are getting full value for the price that you are paying.

This practice also applies to the financial advisor community of which I am a proud member.

Here is an an excellent article that outline 4 terrific questions that everyone must ask their retirement advisor.

I’m happy to share my own answers to those questions if you like.


Mark Hudon, CFP,.CCS

Certified Financial Planner, Certified Cash Flow Specialist.

4 Questions Everyone Must Ask Their Retirement Advisor

​In honor of National Retirement Planning Week, now is a good time to take a step back and think about who is helping you with your retirement planning. A financial advisor can be a powerful resource for those heading down the road to retirement. Whether you already have a retirement advisor or you are considering one, there are certain things you should know about a professional before engaging him or her to act as your retirement advisor.
Read more here

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