We are now entering week 5 of our Core Conditioning Program Accountability Challenge.

Once again, I encourage you to take 10 minutes to review your Progress over the past week

What is the goal(s) that I am committed to achieving over the next 52 weeks?

  • What did I say I was going to do this past week? 
  • What did I actually do?
  • How do I feel about it? Briefly describe your victories or challenges from the past week.

Week 5 Challenge:  Take a Quantum Leap: 

You have everything you need inside you right now to make a Quantum Leap in 2015. The question is WILL YOU? 

“Right now, in this moment, you are capable of exponential improvement in your performance. You can multiply your personal effectiveness, hit new highs, and shatter your old achievement records. The results you can have will be hard to imagine”. 

You can become You2”.

These wonderfully encouraging and very powerful words, come right out of one of my favourite books; You2 by Price Pritchett. I believe that we sell ourselves way too short in setting and reaching our goals. We end up settling for results that are well below our true potential.

1. Ignore Conventional Approaches:  What one thing will you do differently this week to help you reach your goal?  

To make a quantum leap, you’ve got to break out of the rut you’ve been running. This week I want you to try something completely different in pursuit of your goal. It is easy, far too easy to become addicted to our existing habits and methodologies. Perhaps you work out late at lunchtime. This week can you work out first thing in the morning? If you always eat cereal and toast for breakfast, instead treat yourself to a delicious and nutritious protein shake. The key is to break out of your normal routine.  Moving to a higher level calls for a fresh perspective, which can actually mean a path of less Resistance.

2. Suspend Disbelief: This week “Act as if” your success is for certain. 

Often the major obstacle to achieving the quantum leaps that we are looking for is our own lack of belief that we can make it happen. This week I want to focus on suspending any lingering doubts or disbeliefs that may be floating around in that head of yours. I know they are there, I can feel them myself.   Think of an actor when they take on a role. To be really successful, and believable they have to take on all of the characteristics of that role, don’t they? The mannerisms, the thoughts, the physical presence, the subtle nuances. In other words for that role, they become that person. What one thing would you be doing differently if you knew your success was for certain? Pretend you are an actor; take on one characteristic of the person that you desire to become. Go do it now.

Keep Your Core Strong!

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™ 

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

 Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

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Thought for the month: ”The important thing in life is not to triumph, but to compete”.     Pierre de Coubertin

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Know where you are so you know where you are going.

Awareness is the key to reaching your goals and being successful. Download our free Core Conditioning Scorecard and see exactly where you are with your finances, health, and personal life.

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