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Accountability Challenge Week 52: The Courage to Change.

Wow! We are now at week 52 of our 52-week Accountability challenge! It’s hard for me to believe.

It has been a terrific journey. Special congratulations are in order for you if you have hung out with us for the whole year.

If you haven’t made it through the entire 52-week journey that’s ok too.

I thought the appropriate message to end this part of our journey (in truth I believe this is only a wonderful beginning) is the courage to change.

It takes a tremendous amount of courage and strength (internally & externally) to follow through and achieve the goals and dreams that are most important to you.

My hope is that I have armed you with an arsenal of tools from which to choose from to confidently go forward in the direction of your dreams.

I know that many people have achieved some fantastic goals and dreams during the past 52 weeks. Having this is just the beginning.

Each one of us is capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for.  Quite often the biggest roadblocks that we face in our personal journey toward excellence and life of significance are the fears that we hold in far too much esteem.

Whether your goal is to complete a marathon, a triathlon, to cycle 200 km for charity, or to lose 40 pounds, the deciding factor in whether you are successful or not is usually when you make the decision to face your fears head on.

Courage to change

I call it the courage to change.  Making the necessary changes in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours is not easy. In fact, it’s hard as hell at times.

It takes a tremendous amount of courage and emotional strength.

Over the past 52 weeks, one of the most important lessons that I have learned is that although change can be scary, it is a heck of a lot easier and more gratifying when we do it together.

The achievement of any worthwhile goal takes the encouragement, support, and help of many different people, in many different forms.

Moving forward from today, I know that my own courage to change is growing each and every day.

Each of us grow stronger, and are able to tap into deeper reservoirs of our own courage to change when we- to paraphrase Napoleon Hill’s immortal wisdom from Think and Grow Rich)

“develop a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage us to follow through with both our plan and purpose”.

As you go forward in your own personal journey remember that you are not alone.

I also want you to remember that if you continue to move forward, even if it is one small step at a time, you will arrive at your destination!

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:  “Keep moving forward and you will achieve your goals”   Coach Mark

Coach Mark,

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™


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