“Focus on your highest payoff activities and the results will come”. 

We spent the past two week’s focusing on the critical area of strengthening our self-image.

Now it’s time for us to take the next step forward by identifying the actions that we need to take to maximize the results we wish to achieve.

Action is a critical step in the process of creating what we desire in our lives.

Are you focusing on your highest payoff activities?

Do you know what your highest payoff activities (HPA’s) are?

Recently I found myself listening, probably for the 5th or 6th time to a wonderful audio recording from one of my mentors, Anne Bachrach, also known as The Accountability Coach™. (… I really wish I had beaten her to the punch on that trademark thing…)

The focus of the call was to take time to specifically identify in order of importance, the highest payoff activities that when acted upon will give us the greatest probability for success in the achievement of our definite purpose or goal?

I found this exercise very useful because it forced me to stop and think. It is very easy for us to mentally affirm that “we know” all there is to know about the information that we are digesting. However, it’s critical to emphasis that knowing what to do, and actually doing what you know are poles apart.

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Accountability Challenge Week 18: Identify & Calendar your HPA’s.

This week’s exercise is so simple yet so powerful. Take 10 minutes today (NOW would be a great time to get started) to:

1. Identify your highest payoff activities in order of importance as they relate to your specific goal.

2.  When you have identified your own HPA’s, I want you to take the next critical step of putting them into your calendar, day time timer, blackberry, IPhone or whatever time management tool you prefer so they are set up as vital appointments in your day.

3.  Make an irrevocable commitment to yourself or to someone else in writing that you will in fact honour your calendar by taking action on your HPA’s. I guarantee that when you follow through on this simple three step exercise and commit to doing it consistently every day you will begin to make Quantum Leaps in your progress towards your goal.Now that is something to get super-excited about.

Expect Success,

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

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Thought for the week: “Focus on your highest payoff activities and the results will come”.


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