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The Core Conditioning Program 52 Week Accountability Challenge Week 6: Imagine The Moment

This week’s challenge is short, sweet and fun.

I’m a firm believer that before you experience the actual achievement of any goal, dream, or desire in its physical form, you have to first see, feel, and achieve it in your mind’s eye.

 Many experts call this “visualization”, or “visioning”. Whatever you want to call it, it’s been proven to work, so let’s give it a test drive, with our most important goals.

52 Week Accountability Challenge Week 6:  Imagine The Moment 

  • Find a quiet, peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted for the next 2-3 minutes.
  • Picture in your mind’s eye, in the present moment, the successful completion of your most important goal. See it as if it is actually happening right now.
  • How would you feel? Would you be experiencing a huge sense of accomplishment, joy, satisfaction, relief, unstoppable self-confidence? Feel those feelings.
  • Bring in as many of your physical senses as you can. How would this experience feel? Look? Taste? Sound? Smell?
  • Repeat this process with other really important goals you have.

Keep Your Core Strong!

Mark Hudon, CFP™,  CCS™

 Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™ 

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

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Thought for the month: ”The important thing in life is not to triumph, but to compete”.     Pierre de Coubertin

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