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Accountability Challenge Week 10: Believe it or not!.

Believe it or Not! 

We are now into Week 10 of our Accountability Challenge. Take a moment now to mentally assess the progress that you have made so far toward your Definite Purpose.

Are you completely on track?  

If so congratulations! My simple advice is to keep on doing what you’ve been doing.

Perhaps on the other hand you find that you are not on track or that you are not completely satisfied with your progress thus far.

In that case there is a very good chance that it is your own limiting beliefs (or what I like to refer to as your Inner Enemy) that is standing in your way.

Henry Ford is credited with saying ‘Whether you think you can or whether you think you cannot, you are right”.

Accountability Challenge Week 10: Part 1. List all of your limiting Beliefs:

Take ten minutes today (right now if you can) and list all of the beliefs that you currently hold about yourself that are creating Resistance-in other words are holding you back.

E.g.: My Limiting Beliefs about myself are:

  • I am too old.
  • I am too young.
  • I will always be overweight. I am fat
  • ‘It” is too hard.
  • I am not smart enough, strong enough, good looking enough…good enough.
  • There is not enough time.
  • I am too busy.
  • I don’t deserve success…
  • Etc etc etc..

Add to your own list –write down whatever comes to mind. This is a very important exercise.

Now I have some very good news to share with you. Everything that you wrote down under your limiting beliefs are LIES, yes they are big fat lies. They are not true. This is just your “ego” talking to you. Remember that its mission in life is to keep you safe. It has one job and that is to stop you from doing the work that your goal is asking you to do to achieve it.

Accountability Challenge Week 10: Part 2. List all of your Empowering Beliefs:

 Take another ten minutes and make a list all the empowering beliefs that you can think of:

E.g. My True Beliefs are:

 I am the right age now to do whatever I set my mind to do.

    • I am in great shape right now, and I’m getting better every day.
    • I eat healthy, nutritious foods, and I enjoy exercising every day.
    • I can do this and I know I can.
    • I am worthy, and I deserve success right now.
    • I believe in myself.
    • I have all the time I need to get what needs to be done right now.
    • I like myself.
  • I am fit, I am strong, I am unstoppable.


 Add to your list-write down whatever comes to mind, if you are having a hard time thinking of new, empowering beliefs, and then go listen to the Affirmation CD that I sent you. It’s full of great ones.

 Now take the first list that you wrote down-print it out if you have to and immediately go and tear it up, piece by piece and throw it away into the trash can.

When you do take a moment and repeat to yourself the following

“These beliefs, thoughts, and words are all lies. I refuse to live by lies any more. I only live by truth, and the truth is I already have everything I need within me right not to achieve any goal that I set. I can do this and I know I can. I CAN do this and I know I can.

Please do not underestimate the importance of doing these exercises. Reading through them and intending to do them later, is not enough. Change only occurs when we consciously apply what we learn in the present moment.


 Expect Success,

Coach Mark

Thought for the week-Your life will not change because you KNOW what to do. It will change when you do what you know.

Keep Your Core Strong!

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

 Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

 Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™


Training for triathlons at an older age

As someone who has competed in triathlons on and off for the past 15 years, I always enjoy reading about other people’s forays into the sport.

I’ve been very fortunate to meet many wonderful, and extremely interested & talented people through my pursuits into the sport of triathlon, many of whom are now close friends, and clients.

One of the terrific things about the sport of triathlon, is that you come across people from all walks of life, and all age groups.

Many of the people that I have crossed paths with ( be it in the pool, on the bike, or on the run) believe in the adage that it’s never too late to do something new.

Or in this case, that it’s never too late to compete in a triathlon,

Here’s a great article that I came across that I wanted to share with you.

It really is never too late….





Training for Triathlons at an Older Age

​LAST year, at 66, Jenny F. Scott was not an obvious triathlete. A retired special education teacher, she had suffered a stress fracture running decades ago and took up serious bicycling only when she was 64 years old. But Ms. Scott, of West Columbia, S.C., and a friend decided to “bite the bullet last year, with no expectation other than we wanted to live through it,” she said of the swim-bike-run training needed to participate in the triathlon held locally each July. She signed up for training again this year, and like growing numbers of people in their 50s and 60s — and some older — she has found a new challenge in triathlons and other sports that test discipline and endurance. Some opt to train for competitive swimming, or the senior tennis or golf circuits.
Read more here

Accountability Challenge Week 9: THE FLIP SWITCH: 17 seconds to change your life

Accountability Challenge Week 9: THE FLIP SWITCH: 17 seconds to change your life

This week whenever you are overwhelmed by a situation, circumstance, or a thought or emotion that is moving you away from the direction of your BIG Goal, I challenge you to draw upon a positive thought, memory or emotion for 17 seconds. That’s it. Just concentrate and focus your energy on looking for ways to feel better in the moment, regardless of what is happening around you.

How do you do this?

Think of something you are grateful for in your life. I encourage you to make a list of things that make you feel really good. Perhaps it’s the memory of the birth of your child; perhaps it’s when you met that special someone in your life. Maybe it’s that feeling you get when you step off the plane and feel the wonderful warmth of that tropical destination, particularly in the depths of a long cold winter. Maybe it’s the memory of the little league home run you hit to win the championship.

Whatever it is for you just do it for 17 seconds right now. When you do it for 17 seconds you override ten times the negative flow of emotions that you previously sent out. Gradually build up the time you spend on this exercise. When you can do this simple exercise for just 10 minutes per day, I guarantee that you will be overwhelmed by all of the wonderful things that you are now attracting into your life.

It is impossible to think & act positive 24 hours a day, However it is entirely possible to do it for just 17 seconds today.

Go to it, you can thank me later.

Expect Success,

Thought for the week:
“Your life will not change because you KNOW what to do. It will change when you DO what you know”. Dr. Robert Anthony
Keep Your Core Strong!

Mark Hudon, CFP™, CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™