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Accountability Challenge Week 34: Don’t Stop Believing

Accountability Challenge Week 34: “Don’t Stop Believing” 

If you happen to be a child of the 70’s and 80’s like me, or even if you just like the music of the 80’s, then you will be familiar with one of the more popular bands of the time; Journey. There biggest hit song came out in 1981. It was the song Don’t Stop Believing.

“Don’t Stop Believing…Hold on to that feeling.”       

When it comes to setting and achieving goals, heck when it comes down to plain living, there are only ever two things we can control in life.

What we believe and how we behave.

“As a man thinketh in his Heart, so is he.”

This is a verse from Proverbs of the Old Testament which later became the thesis for a ground breaking self-development book by James Allen. I highly recommend you do a Google search for the book As a Man Thinketh, or any of James Allen’s work. They are sure to make an excellent addition to your library, plus you should be able to get them for free.

To me this quote means that each of us (male or female) acts as we do because we believe as we do, even if we may not be aware of it on a conscious level.

The limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our goals and living the lives we were meant to live exist only in our own anxiety and sensitivity.

Belief drives behaviour.

When I look back at the completion of any significant goal or journey in my life, I can directly trace its success to whether or not I believed it was possible. The funny thing about belief is that just a tiny bit is enough to get us moving forward. It follows that if we desire to have different or better results in our life, than we need to change just two things: our beliefs and our behaviours. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it?

What do you belief to be true, that may in fact just be a big fat lie?

What do you believe about your own success? Be it financial, physical, emotion, spiritual? Or in your relationships or in your career?

If you don’t already have what you want in any of these areas in your life, it’s time to change your beliefs and your behaviour.


“Act as if”.

In my experience the quickest way to achieve positive results in our lives is to “act as if” we already possess the beliefs or behaviours that we desire.

Take a moment to picture the ideal you. What does that look like? How do you feel or what do you believe? How would you behave?

Would you be more confident, more decisive, more adventuresome, more assertive, more fit, have more fun?

You know you would?

Begin right now, this very day to believe and behave as you would if you already had achieved your goals.

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:

“Don’t Stop Believing…Hold on to that feeling.”       Steve Perry

Expect Success,


Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:




Accountability Challenge Week 33: Success; Step by Step

Accountability Challenge Week 33: Success: Step by Step 

“It matters not how slowly you go. It matters only that you do not stop”.   Confucius

When I initially created the 52 Week Core Conditioning Program, it was four years ago. One of my big goals back in 2011 was to complete my third Ironman triathlon in July 2011 in Klagenfurt, Austria.

I spent 6 months in serious training mode for the big event which was to take place on July 3rd.  As this was my third Ironman competition I was confident that I would successfully complete the 3.86 km swim, the 180 km bike ride and the 42.2 km run. In the allotted 17 hours.

My personal challenge to myself was my desire to produce a personal best time at the Ironman distance -which would mean completing the race in less than 11 hrs 5 minutes.

I am very proud to say that I successfully completed the race with a finishing time of 11 hrs 21 minutes. To be honest, I was initially a little disappointed that I was not able to achieve a new PB.

I was however extremely pleased and felt a huge sense of personal satisfaction and pride in knowing that I put forth my best effort and determination in a difficult test of personal endurance.

Last week I mentioned that we do not always achieve or control our desired outcomes in life, but we do have full control the level of effort, preparation and commitment we put forth towards our goals and dreams.

As I began to make my way slowly but steadily out on the marathon portion of the triathlon I knew that my success in reaching the finish line would come as a result of focusing my attention not on the entire 42.2 km which lay before me, but on the next step that was to come.

“Step by step” and “nice and easy” were the words that I repeated to myself over and over again, until they played like a mantra in my head.

Step by Step

There were times were I wasn’t running as quickly as I would have liked, and there were other times where running was replaced by walking. However to paraphrase the quote from Confucius, I knew that as long as I did not stop, as long as I kept moving forward, I would cross the finish line. I would succeed; step by step.

I couldn’t think of a more appropriate metaphor that ties in the successful completion of my own race, to any goal that you may have set for yourself either now or in the future.

If you keep moving forward you too will achieve your goals!

What can you do TODAY and this week to keep moving forward?

Thought for the week:

“It matters not how slowly you go. It matters only that you do not stop”.   Confucius

Expect Success,


Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:





Accountability Challenge Week 32: Be Great

Accountability Challenge Week 32: Be Great

My challenge for you this week (and for the rest of your life) is to dare to be great.

The truth is you already are GREAT, you just might not be fully aware of it at the moment.

To me being great doesn’t have to mean setting world records in fitness or endurance, being number one in sales with your company, or being a perfect parent, partner or person.

To me being great means recognizing the potential that lies within you, and having the courage to do your best to maximize your performance in this very moment.

I remember back a few years ago, I was reading the Toronto Globe and Mail entertainment section and was intrigued by an article that talked about this being the 20th anniversary of the movie Thelma and Louise. This was a ground breaking movie for women. At the time it opened doors for leading females actors like Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis, and gained critical and box office appeal. As well it inspired legions of women and men for that matter.

However, Ms. Davis was quoted as saying that over the past twenty years nothing really changed for women in the movies. The vast majority of the leading roles still go to men, and women other than a few exceptions are relegated to supporting roles. In the article actress and writer Sarah Silverman stated that yes it may unfair that there aren’t more women in starring roles, however complaining about the lack of roles for women or female directors isn’t going to change anything.

Silverman went on to say, “I think if you are good enough, you can’t be denied. Complaining doesn’t get anybody anywhere. How about just be great?”

Be Great

I thought this was wonderful advice. We can spend our lives complaining and wishing that things were better or, we can take a different path and work on ourselves to “be better”.

If we continually work and spend our thoughts, efforts and emotions on being better instead of worrying or complaining about outside influences, people or circumstances than our ultimate reward is that we can GREAT, as we define it.

What can you do TODAY and this week to be great?

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:“I think if you are good enough, you can’t be denied. Complaining doesn’t get anybody anywhere. How about just be great?”   Sarah Silverman

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:





Accountability Challenge Week 31: Taking Responsibility

Accountability Challenge Week 31: Taking Responsibility 

You are exactly where you are supposed to be in your life, right now.

These words may or may not be of comfort to you as you assess your present circumstances, however they are undeniably true.

You may not like where you are in certain areas of your life ( I know I don’t)  I’ve heard it said that we don’t always get what we want in life, but we always get what we deserve.

It is very easy, and convenient to blame external forces for our present conditions. We can blame the weather, the economy, the government, our teachers, our parents, our spouse, children, the person who gave us that bad advice etc etc for any number of outcomes that have left us less than satisfied in our lives.

The truth is whether we like it or not, WE are responsible for our choices, for our thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and our circumstances. This may not be something you want to hear. I know I’ve found it quite convenient to hold other people responsible for why I haven’t achieved more success in certain areas of my life.


Do you ever pass the buck of responsibility?

Do you sometimes pass off on taking ownership in your life? Until we take ownership of every aspect of our lives (good, bad or indifferent) we will continue to perform at levels that are well below our true potential.

I believe that taking ownership or responsibility for the circumstances in our lives is the first and most important step toward realizing the goals and dreams that are important to us.

If your are not in the kind of shape that you want to be in your life: physically, financially, in your relationships than it’s time for you to take ownership.

Repeat after me…” I am the problem. I am also the solution”. I may be a mistake maker, but I am also a mistake breaker”.

Where can you take responsibility in your life today? What will you do differently tomorrow?

Expect Success,

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week:“I am the problem. I am also the solution”.     

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:





Accountability Challenge Week 30: Celebrate the Journey

Accountability Challenge Week 30: Celebrate the Journey

It’s time to give yourself a pat on the back.

In this week’s lesson I wanted to acknowledge everyone who has been participating in the Accountability Challenge that we started all those many weeks ago.

I’ve had the opportunity to hear from many of you about your own wonderful journeys towards goals that are meaningful to you.

I know that some of those goals include the following:

  • Preparing for your first marathon
  • Cycling 200 km for the Cycle to Cure Cancer
  • Becoming a successful speaker and entrepreneur
  • Succeeding in your new business

These are all tremendous goals that require significant commitment, focus, determination, and persistence, not to mention delayed gratification.

Some days we’d much rather just kick back on that comfy old couch with a bag of Ruffles potato chips and your favorite beverage….Well guess what today is that day…

It’s time for you to take a moment, or several moments to celebrate your own progress-maybe it’s to indulge in a few potato chips (let’s admit it-they are yummy) -maybe it’s curling up to watch your favourite movie-or to read a great book.


It is very easy to put this off or to feel guilty when we do take a moment to celebrate our journeys. Perhaps you haven’t arrived at your goal just yet-maybe you already have. Either way, I personally wanted to acknowledge you for continuing to inspire me as I pursue my own goals and dreams.

Last week I mentioned the excitement and energy that is ours as the pursuit of our goals ignites a feeling of aliveness within our souls and our spirits.

My hope for you is that you have been tapping into that feeling of aliveness. An excellent way to do that is to not wait until the accomplishment of your goal-which is after all just a by product of the entire journey.

What can you do this week to celebrate your journey?

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:  The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”      Oprah Winfrey

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:




Accountability Challenge Week 29: Feeling Alive

Does pursuing your goals make you feel alive? 

It’s been said many times by many different people that the most rewarding aspect of accomplishing a significant goal is not so much the actual completion of the goal but who you become in the process. I certainly agree with this viewpoint. I would like to add something from my own personal experience.

You know you are on the right track when your goal makes you feel ALIVE!

In this week’s challenge I recap a major goal that I accomplished while creating the Accountability Challenge Program the first time around.back in 2011.

Back then I was training for the completion of my third Ironman Triathlon. To refresh your memory, an Ironman Triathlon is when you swim 3.86km, bike 180km, run, walk or crawl 42.2km…and then you get to BRAG for a lifetime…

Let me take you back to June of 2011….


Accountability Challenge Week 29: Feeling Alive:

I’m currently less than four weeks away from pursuing the completion of my third Ironman Triathlon in Klagenfurt Austria. Because I have successfully completed this type of challenge twice in the past-I have complete confidence (certainty in fact) that baring any kind of unforeseen catastrophe I will successful cross the finish line on July 3rd.

However, I’ve discovered, or perhaps re-discovered something of immense importance to me-I believe it’s what they call an ‘aha’ moment. I discovered that the pursuit of this goal-which has definitely not gotten any easier the third time around-has awoken within me a strong sense of what Dr Maxwell Maltz calls ALIVENESS.

This spring I have cycled and run in some of the most unpleasant weather conditions that I can recall. From frigid temperatures, to high winds, and torrential downpours-my resolve not to mention my hypothermia has been tested. At the end of April on one frosty Saturday morning I had to get off my bike and seek shelter in the warmth of a local Oakville golf pro shop in order to give my frozen fingers and toes an opportunity to thaw out. It was so cold outside that they weren’t even letting the golfers tee off on the course. Here I was in the midst of a 100 km bike ride, wearing cycling shorts no less.

The last few weeks of training leading up to the Ironman tend to be extremely grueling. It’s not unusual to take on training rides of 180-200km followed by 2 hours of running. When you’re smack, dab in the middle of these sessions-you feel like a) you’ll never get through them b) that they will never end c) you must be totally out of your mind to be choosing to do this to yourself.

However, there comes a point during these arduous training sessions-a serene, tranquil moment-where you finally allow your mind with all of its chatter to let go, become quiet and you just focus on the work at hand. You suspend judgment and doubt and some other force takes over.

Pedal by pedal, and step by step you gain a rhythm and begin mentally, physically and emotionally you tap into strength you never knew you possessed. It’s hard to describe, the best way I can do it justice is to state that you feel an energy and power- an aliveness that makes all of the discomfort and challenges fall away. It truly is amazing what we can accomplish-it’s moments like this that I KNOW that anything is possible. Certainly a heck of a lot more than that old enemy Resistance will trick us into believing.

I find the pursuit of my goal in the midst of these drastic weather conditions and challenges has only served to heighten my resolve and make me feel more ALIVE, exuberant, and determined than I thought possible. Enjoying a feeling or sense of aliveness is one of the most wonderful experiences we can have.

Bike course Inukshuk

Accountability Challenge Week 29: Feeling Alive:

Where and when and how can you feel more ALIVE? Take a few minutes to reflect and journal around this extremely significant question.

Please feel free to pass along your answers to me when you have a quiet moment

Expect Success,


Thought for the week: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe.                                 

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™


Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:



Why Ironmen and Ironwomen Make Great CEOs

Why Ironmen and Ironwomen Make Great CEOs

Over the last decade, triathlon has become the executive sport de rigueur. Triathlon tests you in different ways than most other endurance sports. And interestingly, it is analogous of the unique challenges of executive leadership. Like triathlon, executive leadership involves three core key competencies: setting a vision, developing strategy, and managing accountability. Great leaders are well-versed in each of these disciplines and know how to move fluidly between them. Athletes who progress to Ironman-distance events have developed several key characteristics that can serve them well as executives:
Read more here

Accountability Challenge Week 28: The Power of Commitment:

Accountability Challenge Week 28: The Power of Commitment: 

Are you committed to your goal?

Are you really? On a scale from 1-10, rate your current level of commitment.

If it is less than 10 out of 10, than I propose that you are not as committed as you absolutely must be to reach your goal.

You can easily gauge your personal level of commitment (and whether it needs an attitude adjustment) by the answer to this very blunt but telling question:

Are you doing the work that your goal is telling asking you to do to achieve it?

Are you?

When I relate this very question to certain goals in my life (specifically my business development goals) the answer more often than I’d like to admit has been a resounding NO. No I haven’t been doing the work that my goal is asking me to do to achieve it.

The reason? It’s Resistance with a capital R in the form of my own favourite brand of ‘Rational Lies’:

“But what will they think? They’ll probably just say no, so why bother?

It won’t work! I’m not smart enough, I’m not good enough….enough”

Lies, Lies, Lies. To quote my favourite line from The War of Art:

“Resistance is always lying, and it’s always full of shit”  

 Ok, so now I’ve decided to fight through my Resistance and this is the time that I will finally do the work.

The truth is always simple, not necessarily easy, but always painfully simple-at least that’s my own personal experience,  and it’s always staring me in the face.

All I have to do is to have the courage to look at it, and then of course the courage and commitment to do the work .

What kind of personal commitment will it take to break through that wall of Resistance once and for all?

In listening to Pressfield’s audio program, Do The Work, he quoted some wonderful words from author WH Murray that I wanted to share with you. I quickly skipped over them the first few times I listened to the lesson, but tonight I decided to make an effort to gain a better understanding-so of course I googled them and le voila here they are….I hope they resonate with you as much as they have with me.

power of commitment

Accountability Challenge Week 28: The Power of Commitment:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents andmeetings andmaterial assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

Quoted from the book “The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, 1951”, by William H. Murray (1913-1996)

Expect Success,


Thought for the week:  “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Goethe.                                 

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:






Accountability Challenge Week 27: Stay Stupid

Accountability Challenge Week 27: Stay Stupid…You just might learn something.

 I remember being very excited when the new Stephen Pressfield CD, Do The Work came out a couple of years ago.  I’ve been a huge fan of his work since I read his terrific no-nonsense book, The War of Art.

Pressfield is a writer who pulls no punches and I was anxious to hear how his work translated into audio format. I certainly was not disappointed.

Do The Work, is designed to guide and coach us through the completion of any creative plan or goal that we are determined to complete.

I laughed out loud when Pressfield bluntly stated that one of the keys to overcoming the enemy of Resistance was to “stay stupid”

Ok, you’ve got my attention I thought to myself, now what exactly do you mean by this?

The answer was refreshingly simple. Quite often we let the incessant chatter of our minds overwhelm us as we attempt to move forward toward a creative purpose-whether it’s losing 40 lbs,  completing a marathon, starting a new business, or  doubling our sales and income.

If you’re at all like me…Mr. Analytical-you find yourself endlessly analyzing every choice, option, decision you make-past, present or future. This can seem like a sensible approach to getting things just right, while cutting down on possible miss-steps. In truth it is more often a sly form of Resistance that holds us back from doing the work that our goals are telling us we need to do.

In my own experience this seemingly sensible approach has added needless years to the life cycle of my own goal achievement.

Do you ever think too much about your goals? How am I going to achieve this? What will happen if I take this course of action instead of another?  What if it doesn’t work?  What will they think?  Etc. etc. etc…

stay stupid

To me “staying stupid” means to stop over thinking or over analyzing the probable outcome of the actions we know we should take, and just DO THE WORK now.

Pressfield in his no bullshit approach (maybe it’s a guy thing but I get a kick out of his “direct” method of communication) counsels us to develop the habit of acting more and thinking less.

We can always course correct if we need to. Not every action we take is going to work out perfectly, however the faster we find out, the faster we can move on to another course of action that will take us to our goal or dream.

What can you do to stay stupid this week?

Coach Mark,

Thought for the week: ”Stay stupid and expect Success”.

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:





Accountability Challenge Week 26: Sense of Urgency

Are you living with a Sense of Urgency? 

Welcome to week 26 of our Core Conditioning Program Accountability Challenge. It’s hard to believe that it’s been six months since we embarked on our challenge together.

I hope you have been enjoying the process and that you remain committed to achieving the goals that you identified as being most important to you.

If you are finding that yourprogress is slower than you desire, then I have an idea that I think might get you moving in the right direction.

It’s as simple and as challenging as creating a compelling sense of urgency.

What does creating a sense of urgency mean to you?

To me it means having a reason or set of reasons that are strong enough to overcome all of the forms of Resistance that will naturally attempt to hold us back.

I was having coffee with a friend of mine recently and he shared a story that served as the inspiration for this week’s message. He asked me if I had ever heard of the Burning Platform story. I replied that I hadn’t.

He shared the riveting story of a worker on an oil rig somewhere along the English coast of the North Atlantic. He awoke one morning to find the oil rig engulfed in flames and black smoke. The platform that he was standing on was burning.

He quickly assessed his situation which had dramatically gone from desperate to disastrous. Here he was, perched precariously 120 feet above the frigid waters of the Atlantic –he could choose to jump which would most likely result in an outcome featuring drowning, grave injury and probable death or he could choose to do nothing and wait for the inevitable.

What would you do?

He chose to jump. Miraculously, he survived the 120 foot plunge into the icy waters, while the rest of his crew perished aboard the rig.

If not now when

He was asked what possessed him to make the decision to jump. He replied that although jumping from a height of well over 100 feet would likely result in his probable death, staying where he was guaranteed him certain death. Faced with these two options and an obvious sense of urgency he chose the path that at least gave him a chance at survival.

Isn’t this a wonderful story? I understand that the goals that we set for our lives do not normally take us on a path of life or death decisions….However…

Can you imagine the progress that you will make toward your goals in life if you choose to live with a similar sense of urgency?

If not now, when?


Thought for the week: ” If not now, when”?   Hillel

Mark Hudon, CFP™CCS™

Financial Fitness Coach, Certified Cash Flow Specialist™

Creator of The Core Conditioning Program™

Check out our exciting new Website, Radio Show, & Cash Flow Planning tools:


